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Spillage Management and Response Training

Spill Kit Training

$ 190.59

Spillage Management and Response Training

1/2 Day Online Self-Paced

*This whole course can be done in the comfort of your home or workplace.


  • Instant Access to 3 hours (approx. 1/2 Day) Self-Paced Online Course Materials – Start Learning Immediately!
  • Understand how to respond swiftly and efficiently to spills to reduce cleanup costs and avoid heavy fines.
  • Ensure your operations comply with ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System) and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety).
  • Equip your team to handle spills proficiently, safeguarding both the public and the environment, thus maintaining your company’s reputation.
  • Highest Quality Course Materials – ONLINE!
  • Engaging tests and case studies using latest learning technology
  • SEQM TRAINING Certificate of Achievement
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Why is Spill Training Necessary?

Equip your team with the essential skills to handle unexpected spillages safely and effectively with formal Spillage Management and Response Training.
Delivered in a flexible and convenient online self-paced half-day format, this course teaches participants how to manage and deal with spillages effectively mitigating environmental and health and safety issues. Delegates can complete the course from the comfort of their home or workplace at their own pace.

Spills can be Costly

Material spills can happen at any time, with no warning. They can pose a health and safety risk to people, pollute the environment and disrupt business operations. These impacts can be immediate, far reaching and long lasting.

If your organisation has polluted, it may be responsible for the clean up costs. These can be expensive, particularly if groundwater has been contaminated.

Furthermore, in breaking regulations and legislation, heavy fines can be imposed and the company’s reputation seriously damaged.

Quick Response is Crucial

The initial response to a spill can make a big difference to the detrimental effects and outcomes. When dealing with any type of spill, inappropriate or delayed action can significantly worsen the environmental impacts and/or threaten public health. Contingency planning and timely response are the key factors to stopping a spill from becoming a serious incident.

Employees Need to be Prepared

The majority of employees on building sites have never received any formal spill kit training. When spills happen, employees usually don’t know what to do and panic is usually the end response.

Furthermore, studies have shown that many spill kits and contingency plans kept on UK building sites are either inadequate or not fit for purpose. This points to lack of training. The consequence is ineffective action in dealing with the incident, lost time and money, which inevitably results in environmental pollution, safety issues and disruption to operations.

Formal Spill Response training can help you to Comply with Legislation, such as:

  • The Control of Pollution (England) Oil Storage Regulations (2001)
  • The Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (England) Regulations 2015
  • The Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (Wales) Regulations 2016
  • The Pollution Prevention and Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012
  • Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 (COMAH)
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 (COSHH)
  • The Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999
  • The Water Industries and Resources Act 1991

It also ensures that you comply to ISO 14001:2015 (EMS)

Under clause 8.2 “Emergency Preparedness and Response” of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, organisations are required to prepare plans to prevent or mitigate environmental impacts from emergency situations and respond to emergencies. This also includes periodically testing and reviewing planned response actions and providing relevant training where required, accompanied by documentation to show these procedures are working.

Formal training also helps you to comply to ISO 45001:2018 (OH&S)

ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety System also contains clause 8.2 “Emergency Preparedness and Response”, where the organisation must ensure that it addresses all potential OH&S impacts.

The process should focus on the prevention of ill-health and injury to all personnel including workers, contractors, visitors, neighbours, members of the general public and emergency services personnel and should take account of applicable OH&S legislation.


To provide employees with the training they need to: 

  • Understand the legislation surrounding pollution prevention in the UK.
  • Learn the consequences of spillages and their responsibilities.
  • Become familiar with common types of spills kits and how to use their contents correctly.
  • Deal with spillages quickly and effectively through a step by step spill response procedure.
  • Minimise the impact of a spillage on the health and safety of individuals, the environment and the company.


  • Employees who work directly with hazardous substances (using, storing or transporting).

  • Construction site management and supervisors.

  • Factory operational staff.
  • Any staff working with potentially hazardous or environmentally risky chemicals and liquids
  • Anyone who needs the technical knowledge of how to respond to a spill in their workplace.


Module 1 – Why is Spill Management Necessary?

  • What is a Hazardous Material?
  • Risks posed by Hazardous Material Spillages & Consequences
  • Legal Responsibilities of the Organisation
  • Environmental Responsibilities of the Organisation (ISO 14001)
  • OH&S Responsibilities of the Organisation (ISO 45001)
  • Your Individual Responsibilities
  • Common Causes of Spillages
  • Interactive Exercise: Responsibilities

Module 3 – Planning & Spill Response

  • Risk Assessment and Spill Kit Selection
  • Spill Response Procedure Overview
  • Assessing the RiskUsing PPE
  • Stopping the Source
  • Containing the Spill
  • Cleaning the Spill 
  • Decontaminating and Cleaning
  • Reporting and Communicating
  • Refilling the Spill Kit
  • Interactive Exercise: Response Procedure (case study)

Module 2 – What’s in a Spill Kit?

  • Types of Spill Kit and Applications 
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Absorbent Materials
  • Collection Materials
  • Disposal Bags
  • Procedures for regularly Checking Contents
  • Interactive Exercise: Checking Spill Kit Contents

Final Assessment & Certificate

Following completion of a final assessment, you will receive an SEQM Training Certificate of Achievement


The Spill Kit Training course is a dynamic combination of video lessons, engaging Interactive Exercises and Q&A sessions developed by one of our highly experienced trainers. 

The course is approximately 2.5 hours duration. 

At the end of the course trainees need to pass a final assessment to prove that they have learnt the information and can demonstrate an understanding.

On successful completion, attendees will receive individual certificates in their name to prove that they have understood and completed the course successfully. 

Two delivery formats are available: 

1) Pure Online

Course is available to start immediately and complete in your own time at your own pace.

2) Live Trainer

If you are a construction company or have issues with Spill pollution and would prefer a live tutor, we can provide an experienced trainer with construction site auditing experience or industry specific experience. 

The trainer will guide delegates through each lesson and discuss/give feedback for the exercises at the end of each module, host Question and Answer (Q&A) sessions and answer any queries as they arise within the sessions. The course utilises the latest online learning management technology blended with a live trainer to optimise the trainee’s experience. 

In the event that any trainees are unable to attend a Live Trainer session, a pure online course will be made available to them to access at any time. 

Discount for bulk enrolments
If you are a business requiring training for groups of employees we would be pleased to provide a bespoke proposal.